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UNIROMA3 organised workshop in pilot area – Province of Latina


The Department of Architecture of UNIROMA3, in collaboration with the Province of Latina, organized on february 12th a workshop on the theme “Environmental Governance for Agro Pontino”, as part of the transnational European cooperation project Interreg Euro-MED COASTRUST. The event took place at the central headquarters of the Province. To align the actions of local stakeholders and foster the design and implementation of coordinated stewardship initiatives, the University has decided to organize a capacity-building event dedicated to stakeholders from the pilot area of the Pontine Coast.

The event (i) provided technical information on the management and stewardship of coastal and marine areas; (ii) monitor existing management and stewardship agreements and defined the potential implementation of actions in line with the objectives and timelines of the COASTRUST project; (iii) encourages and enables direct actions by stakeholders to protect, restore, or sustainably use the environment.

The event was structured in two sessions:

  • Morning session – A joint presentation of two European projects funded by the Interreg Euro-MED program, both involving the Agro Pontino area:
  • o COASTRUST, focused on land stewardship as a tool to improve the management of marine and coastal natural resources.
  • o WEGOCOOP, aimed at implementing shared governance agreements for Wetland Areas.
  • Afternoon session – A deep dive into the COASTRUST project, with a capacity-building activity for Local Authorities and associations from the Province of Latina on the topic of environmental stewardship applied to coastal areas. Additionally, a workshop defined concrete and shared stewardship actions to be implemented with the project’s support.